Mwy o Lyfrau

Croeso / Welcome

Mwy o Lyfrau is an open source project to translate copyright-free classic books into Welsh.

Dyma Edward Arth, yn dod i lawr y grisiau nawr, cnoc, cnoc, cnoc, ar gefn ei ben, tu ôl Christopher Robin. Dyma’r unig ddull, hyd mae e’n gwybod, o ddod i lawr y grisiau, ond weithiau mae e’n teimlo bod yna ddull arall mewn gwirionedd, pe bai ond yn gallu stopio cnocio am eiliad a meddwl amdano. Ac yna, mae e’n teimlo efallai nad oes. Beth bynnag, dyma fe yn y gwaelod, ac yn barod i gael ei gyflwyno i ti. Winnie y Pŵ.

Winnie y Pŵ, pennod un, gan A. A. Milne

How can you help?

This project uses a mixture of human and machine translation, with human editors reviewing all texts. You do not have to be fully fluent to make a contribution - in fact translating texts can be an excellent exercise for intermediate to advanced learners, and even relative novices may enjoy the challenge.

Debate is encouraged over translations via GitHub Issues, and contributions via Pull Requests are the project’s lifeblood. If you want to get your hands dirty and have a bash at translation, try the getting started guide.

What are we working on right now?

Anturiaethau Sherlock Holmes

Winnie y Pŵ


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